
Sick and tired of licence fees?

That's where we come in...

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Save More, Stay Compliant, and Enhance Your Business Atmosphere with Whisperscape.

  • Save on Licensing Fees

    With Whisperscape, the cost of music licensing is already included in your subscription. Businesses that use personal music services like Spotify not only pay for the service itself but also face additional public performance licensing fees from OneMusic Australia. With Whisperscape, you'll save up to $450 annually on licensing fees compared to using Spotify or CDs, as Whisperscape is fully compliant and includes everything in one simple plan.
  • No Hidden Costs, Just Great Music

    When you use your own CDs or streaming services like Spotify, you're left to manage separate licensing fees and equipment costs. With Whisperscape, everything is bundled into one predictable monthly price. This means no need to worry about additional costs for licensing, technology upgrades, or unexpected expenses, saving you time, money, and hassle.
  • Avoid Costly Legal Penalties

    Using personal music services like Spotify for business without proper licensing can lead to significant fines and legal penalties. By choosing Whisperscape, you’re fully covered and compliant with Australian music laws, ensuring your business avoids any unexpected costs or legal risks associated with improper use of music in commercial spaces.
  • Customisation Without the Expense

    Tailored music solutions can often be expensive, but with Whisperscape, you get access to custom branding and music channels tailored to your business at a fraction of the cost. Whether it’s a calm playlist for a dental office or high-energy hits for a retail store, Whisperscape offers a variety of channels and customisation options without the high expense of creating your own radio station.
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